Aramark Higher Education › Tavolino Brand Creation
Tavolino is one of many proprietary Culinary Rotation Dining Brands that hit the Aramark higher-ed campus accounts for short periods of time—typically 1 or 2-weeks only—to help keep the dining environment and food choices fresh and exciting. Ten years since inception, it was now time for Tavolino to be reimagined with a new identity and tag line, all new trade dress and supporting positioning and copy concepts.

Capturing the essence of Italy was a goal needing creative exploration. When you think of “the iconic Italy”, what do you picture in your minds-eye? The sun-soaked landscape of the Tuscany region? The epicenter of cultural enlightenment that is Rome? Or is it the New York City Italian-American culinary experience? Each vision of Italy holds a legitimate essence of it’s own.
Positioning 1 : Italy via NYC
Just ask any Italian-American living in NYC and they’ll tell you—it’s all about family, and everyone has a seat at the neighborhood table if you’re in search of a great Italian meal. Let’s pop down to Little Italy in lower Manhattan, or take a yellow uptown to Italian Harlem, or catch a commuter to the Little Italy’s of the Bronx or Brooklyn . . .

Positioning 2 : Italy via Rome
Greetings from Rome—the capital city of Italy and epicenter of cultural enlightenment. You can’t toss an olive without hitting an original Michelangelo. The cuisine here features fresh, seasonal and simply-prepared ingredients—pasta being paramount of course, and Rome is famous for it’s delicious variety of pasta sauces . . .

Positioning 3 : Italy via Tuscany
Close your eyes, and awaken to this sun-soaked Italian landscape—the stuff of culinary dreams that is Tuscany. Every road meanders, every hillside is sculpted with arrow-straight rows of vines bordered by single files of cypress, and every taste ends with a smile. The flowers are fresh, and the food is fresher . . .

Chosen position : Italy via Tuscany
Final brand identity and execution of trade dress and campaign concepts